
Travel with Shaaray Tefila

Note: we are thrilled to offer several trips a year with our clergy. Our travel experiences range from travel to Israel to the cradle of the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama.

2025 Adult Civil Rights Journey

October 23-26, 2025
Register HERE
Registration opens at 6:00am on Tuesday, March 4th

This trip was so popular the last time that we are doing it again! Make sure you don’t miss out by waiting to register!

Join Rabbi Mosbacher and Cantor Kipnis on an Adult Civil Rights Journey. We will travel together with Etgar 36 to Atlanta, Georgia and Montgomery and Selma and Birmingham, Alabama to visit sights and hear stories of the struggle for civil rights in the south.

Participants will learn about the struggles of African Americans to gain equality in the 1950s & 60s, as well as discover how Jews were involved in the Civil Rights struggle. Participants will walk away understanding why Jews, as people who have known oppression, must care and act when others are oppressed.

The total cost of the trip is $1350 per person (plus airfare). LEARN MORE HERE. A deposit of $400 per person is required in order to reserve your spot. Members must be 26 years of age and older. Limited to 48 participants.