Early Childhood
Early Childhood

Our Philosophy

Early Childhood is a time of learning and discovery for both children and their families. At Temple Shaaray Tefila, we provide children from birth through the age of five with a nurturing learning environment that allows them to explore and build friendships and bonds with their peers. We introduce children to the rituals, traditions, and values of Judaism, providing them with the foundation for a lifetime of Jewish learning. It is in these early years of children’s lives that they and their families become part of the Temple Shaaray Tefila community and create meaningful relationships that will last many years to come.

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Want to join us for Tot Shabbat?

All are welcome!

Geared for families with children age 5 and younger. Tot Shabbat is a chance for your family to engage in a fun, warm, and accessible Shabbat experience with our clergy, early childhood staff, and music educator. Families will enjoy music, tefila, and learning about the Torah through storytelling. When in person, Saturday mornings include a light breakfast and family craft activity.

View Upcoming Dates for Tot Shabbat