Backpack Buddies Fights Food Insecurity One Household At A Time
Backpack Buddies is a nationwide volunteer effort that acts locally to fight food insecurity. Children from families who live at or near the federal poverty level are eligible for free or reduced breakfast and lunch on school days. Temple Shaaray Tefila helps provide families in our neighborhood with necessary weekend nourishment.
How We Help
Every other Wednesday afternoon, congregants of all ages pack backpacks with food. Each family receives enough food for two days worth of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. These backpacks are then picked up and delivered by local partner organizations in East Harlem, including the Association to Benefit Children and LSA Family Health Service.

Backpack Buddies would not be possible without the work of our teens! Teens of all ages are welcome to join to help fight hunger in our community, by packing these precious backpacks.

Volunteers on the assembly line placing items of food into the backpacks.

Backpack Buddies has continued its work throughout the pandemic! Even through the hard times, the volunteers of Backpack Buddies have continued to congregate and pack the backpacks full of food.