Welcoming the stranger is a foundational tenet of Jewish life and at Temple Shaaray Tefila, we take our part seriously in helping refugees and immigrants to the U.S. find and feel a sense of belonging in their new home.

Three years ago, our congregation partnered with HIAS to resettle a family from Iraq, including welcoming them when they arrived, helping to secure the governmental services they needed, finding a home and furnishing it, assisting in their finding work, and more. We hope that you will be a part of our effort now as we prepare to help settle an Afghan family seeking a safe and productive future in the U.S.

Once again we will partner with HIAS, who is asking participating congregations to raise $35,000 to cover the costs of providing housing, food, clothing, medical services, and whatever else that is needed for a refugee family to have a secure beginning to a new life. We appreciate whatever amount you can contribute.

Help Sponsor an Afghan Refugee Family »

We also need volunteers to help make the family feel welcome and assist in acclimating them to New York City. There will be opportunities for both short-term defined projects and ongoing support for the family. There will be plenty to do and many different ways to get involved, such as helping find and set up an apartment, teaching the family to navigate our public transit system, accompanying them to their first doctor appointment, and much more.

Volunteer to Help an Afghan Refugee Family »

We feel honored and blessed to have this opportunity to come together as a congregational community, children, teens, and adults, and fulfill this significant mitzvah.

Your generosity of time, dollars, and spirit will help a family beginning a new life in our country and facing much uncertainty. Because of you, we, as a congregation, can help create the steady ground on which to build a new life. As Jews, we were once refugees. Now it is our turn to help a family find their way to a new home.

Please join us!

Read Rabbi Mosbacher’s Email »

Questions? Please contact Rabbi Reines.