Rabbi Jill Rubin Speaks Out on Antisemitism and Hate at Press Conference
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Rabbi Rubin spoke at a press conference on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 in response to an increase in antisemitism on the Upper East Side and across New York City. Watch the video or read her remarks below.

Good morning. I am Rabbi Jill Rubin, here representing Temple Shaaray Tefila, and I want to thank Council Member Keith Powers and Borough President Mark Levine for inviting me today, and Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun for hosting us this morning. I am extremely troubled by the increase in antisemitic incidents around the country, and especially here in New York City.

As a representative of my congregation and the larger Jewish community of New York, I am extremely grateful to our elected officials who take antisemitic acts very seriously, and who are currently working to close the legal loopholes in New York’s hate crime laws. I am also grateful to the NYPD and our interfaith partners who continue to provide their support and solidarity at this time.

I recognize that antisemitism is just one form of many types of hate that is becoming more and more prevalent in our city and country. If we are to take acts of antisemitism seriously, we must also take hateful acts of racism, homophobia, and sexism seriously as well.

As our Jewish tradition teaches: one good deed leads to another good deed, and one transgression leads to another transgression. Vitriolic hate often leads to more hate, directed not just at the Jewish people, but at any marginalized or minority community. It is up to us, faith and governmental leaders, to ensure that hate speech and hateful acts, in all forms, are not tolerated in the city that we call home.

May we all be blessed with peace and with safety in our beloved city. Thank you very much.