Shaaray Tefila is excited to be a part of Every Voice, Every Vote – the Reform Movement’s Civic Engagement Campaign. This nonpartisan effort aims to strengthen our democracy by encouraging everyone to participate in the U.S. election process and ensuring that Reform Jewish values are represented in the public square. 

I want to help! How can I participate?

Postcard writers on our Every Voice Every Vote Civic Engagement Campaign: We are ready to begin our campaign to GOTV for early voting in the VIRGINIA ELECTION

The entire Virginia State Legislature (140 seats) is up for reelection with newly-drawn districts after the last census approved in 2021.

The power balance in the state is up for grabs!

  • We’re writing to registered BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) voters to alert them to this crucial election.
  • We can help safeguard and expand hard-won civil rights by increasing BIPOC participation in elections.
  • Virginia became a stronghold of voting rights in 2021, which is now under threat, along with education that includes Black history, and restoration of rights to returning/reentry citizens.
  • Today, VA has the least restrictive abortion laws in the South (26-28 weeks).

As goes Virginia in 2023, so goes the nation in 2024! 

Once again, we will have packets of 30 postcards with addresses and labels available for pick-up. You can pick them up during Friday onegs in October, or contact Carol Crossen to arrange a day and location. Postcards MUST be mailed between September 8 & October 25th.

Any further questions?

Please contact Carol Crossen or Jolie Schwab, Shaaray Tefila’s Civic Engagement Team leaders.