Songs for the Soul
Songs for the Soul

Click here to download “Songs for the Soul” album »

A message from Cantor Kipnis

This recording was the product of my sabbatical in the summer of 2018. I have wanted to make a recording for the congregation for a long time and my sabbatical gave me the opportunity and the time to devote to it. I decided to have the recording focus on music of healing and inspiration. I’ve seen the effect that music can have on people, especially when going through difficult times. My hope is that this music can help inspire people who may be in need of healing of body or soul, as well as provide inspiration to anyone who enjoys Jewish music. Many of the musical selections are regular favorites in our worship services.

I want to thank the wonderful musicians on the recording: Leah Shafritz, our cantorial intern; Allison Sniffin, piano; Itai Kriss, flute; and Rodne Brown and Wendy Baker, supporting vocalists.

I would also like to thank Adam Karol, who masterfully designed the album artwork.

Below is the text for all of the music in Hebrew with transliteration and translations.

I hope you enjoy the recording and that it nourishes your soul.


Cantor Todd Kipnis