Monthly Torah & Animation Chat - Humility

15 Feb @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

In person only
Open to the public

Featuring Jewish Food For Thought: The Animated Series

Please join Rabbi Joel Mosbacher and Animator/Jewish educator Hanan Harchol for monthly Torah and Animation Chats featuring Jewish Food For Thought: The Animated Series. Each meeting will feature one 10-minute animated conversation containing relevant and timely Jewish wisdom on topics ranging from gratitude, to kindness, to mourning and loss. After watching the animation, Rabbi Mosbacher and Hanan will lead a group discussion on the topic.

Can being humble actually be a source of strength? What does it mean to be “like the earth?” How
can I let go of needing the recognition of others, and if I support the advancement of others, can it lead to my own growth as well? What does it mean to bend?

Each meeting will be a stand alone session, meaning, you do not need to have attended previous sessions. Come and join the conversation!

Session dates:
December 20
January 3
February 15
March 4
April 10
May 23


About Hanan Harchol
Hanan Harchol is a New York based filmmaker, animator, artist, classical guitarist, and teacher. Harchol’s animated series Jewish Food For Thought, which is generously funded by The Covenant Foundation, teaches Jewish ethics through thought-provoking animated conversations between Harchol and his Israeli parents, and is used as an educational resource by countless schools and synagogues across the country. He has also been invited to present his work at Jewish educational conferences across the country and in the UK.

See more of Harchol’s work at