Starting on January 21 and continuing through March 11, members of Shaaray Tefila community will have the opportunity to vote in the World Zionist Congress WZC elections. These elections, which are held every five years, are extremely important in that the World Jewish community can make its voice heard loud and clear in shaping life in Israel.

By currently controlling the WZC with an overwhelming amount of delegates, the Reform Movement has been able to make certain that agendas for religious Jewish pluralism, including religious equality and recognition of liberal Jewish streams in a Jewish and democratic state are being successfully pushed forward.  In order to continue this, we must ensure that the Reform movement continues to keep this over whelming majority of delegates by getting the vote out.

We have set a lofty goal of getting 400 members of TST to vote in the upcoming election.  To make this a successful campaign and to get the vote out, we will need as much help as possible to accomplish this. If you are interested in volunteering for this extremely important event, please contact me at

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